Category: "Panda Express"

Kung pao chicken, firecracker chicken, and mixed vegetables

by Don  

This afternoon I grabbed a two item lunch at Panda Express. Now the problem is that their national website does not include nutrition info on firecracker chicken. That entirely sucks. So let's substitute another dish that seems roughly equivalent in sweetness, which is Analysis:

Fat Carbs Protein Calories
Kung pao chicken 16 13 17 260
Firecracker chicken 13 41 13 340
Mixed vegetables 11 12 3 140
Total: 40 66 33 740

A sensible 3 block Zone meal contains 9 grams of fat, 21 grams of protein, and 27 grams of carbs. This meal is adequate as part of a healthy lifestyle, assuming you only eat three meals a day, plus a snack, but it's not a good part of my goal of weight loss.

Kung pao chicken and mixed vegetables

by Don  

I'm in food Nazi mode, counting every calorie that crosses my lips. Today for lunch I stopped by Panda Express and got a bowl with kung pao chicken and mixed vegetables instead of rice/noodles.

Fat Carbs Protein
Kung pao chicken 16 13 17
Mixed vegetables 7 8 2
Total: 20 21 19

An ideal 3 block zone meal would have 9 grams of fat, 21 grams of protein, and 27 grams of carbs, so this particular meal has about twice as much fat as one might want, but since the carbs are low, the 400 calorie total content is not ridiculous for one meal.