Category: "Tri-tip"

Tri-tip roast

by Don  

I picked up a tri-tip roast from Costco. It weighed 3.13 pounds. The directions said to cook it at 425° until it gets to 145° in the thickest part. Alas, it didn't give a time reference. I took a look at my meat cookbook. It recommended 450° for 20 minutes and then some other behavior I ignored.

So I guesstimated 30 minutes. Checked. Not close. 40 minutes? Closer. I took about 45 minutes before it got to about 135°, which is when I removed it. Then I let it rest for 15 minutes to let it finish cooking and redistribute the juices.

I'll have to reconsider the time. I haven't eaten enough of the roast yet to figure out whether the middle was too raw, but I think next time 40 minutes for a similar size roast would be good enough.

Tri-tip roast

2014-11-21: I've been eating the roast for several days now. It actually turned out really, really good. The middle has a bit of pink left. Very tasty. It rocks. I bet 40 minutes without interruption would work great for this weight.