Category: "Mustard greens"

Braised mustard greens

by Don  

Tonight I'm braising mustard greens based on the approach in the Jan/Feb 2009 edition of Cook's Illustrated. These greens are very tender, so I'm not going to braise them nearly as long, and I'm going to add some Mae Ploy green curry paste. Here's the nutrition info for today's variation:

Mustard greens 20 oz140
Olive oil 2 tbsp240
Onion 8 oz88
Garlic 1 oz42
Vegetarian broth 1 cup15
Mae Ploy green curry paste 2 tsp10

Dividing up that mess into four servings, that comes out to 134 calories per serving, which is reasonable for a side dish.

Taste-wise it came out adequate. The mustard greens cooked for only 15-20 minutes, and they still had the bitter taste. I'm curious whether further cooking would remove it. Next time I'll cook it closer to the article's original instructions and see if that makes a difference.

Raw mustard greens

by Don  

I can't pass by a farmers' market these days without stopping and looking around. Sunday I was driving through Old Town Scottsdale and spotted one. I've been wanting to add leafy greens to my diet. It was time to try mustard greens, so I picked up a bunch.

Cook's Illustrated suggested cooking them like collard greens. They were really tender mustard greens, though, so I decided to eat them raw, about 2 ounces' worth at each meal. They are spicy and bitter. I kind of like them. I'll continue eating them this way, but I can see that people with Midwest taste buds wouldn't like them uncooked.