Rosemary elixir

by Don  

Last night I decided to try something different. I had previously made and really enjoyed ginger elixir following the recipe in Rachel Matesz's cookbook, and it struck me that it would be interesting to try with rosemary. I have a rosemary plant growing on my porch, so I gathered some stems from the plant, and stripped off about four loose handfuls of leaves. Threw the leaves into the blender with two cups of boiling water. Pureed. Added two more cups of boiling water. Allowed to sit for half an hour. Once that was cool, I poured the liquid into a pitcher through a strainer and added four more cups of filtered water along with a couple eyedroppers' full of stevia. Refrigerated it overnight. Voila! Rosemary elixir!

This morning I'm drinking my first cup. I like it. The potent herbal smell and flavor is surprising at first. It reminds of the reaction I first had to horehound candy or anise lozenges. It's a bit of a slap in the face if you are not used to it, but it tastes good once you get past the "Mama never made anything like this" phase. I'll doubtless make it again.

1 comment


Thanks for writing this.

04/24/09 @ 17:42