Siete azahares (seven blossoms tea)

by Don  

Today I'm making a tea from an El Guapo brand spice mix called “siete azahares” (seven blossoms), which is sold in all sorts of stores in Phoenix including the stores that focus on Hispanic customers and in the Mexican spices sections of Gringo stores. The spices are: passion flower, linden flower, rose petals, chamomile, anise seeds, and tila star. (I think “tila star” is lime blossom.) That actually only adds up to six ingredients. Hm. I wonder what the label is leaving out?


  1. Put packet of seasonings (¼ oz or 7 g) into blender.
  2. Add two cups of boiling water. Following standard safety procedures for very hot liquids in blender, began to mix first at lowest speed all the way up to liquefy.
  3. Add two more cups of hot water into the spinning blender. Turn off. Let sit for an hour
  4. Strain into pitcher. Add two cups of cool water and ¼ teaspon of Stevia

Now that I've tasted it, I'd say there's too much chamomile. Doesn't work for me.

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