Preparing White Sonora Wheat Berries

by Don  

I wanted to prepare some wheat berries for use over the next few days, and on this occasion I used White Sonora Wheat Berries, which are produced in Arizona by Ramona Farms, and which I purchased at Whole Foods.  This type of wheat was actually brought here by Padre Kino and first distributed to the Pima Indians (Akimel O'Odham).

I wanted to allow for further cooking once I used them, so instead of cooking for the full hour, I cooked them for 45 minutes.  My first taste suggests that they are already edible, but this way I can add them to curries or other dishes and cook them another 15 minutes without cause them to dissolve.  After 45 minutes I rinsed them with cold water, drained them for 5 minutes in a sieve, and then stored them in the fridge.

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