Category: "Chili"

Caveman chili part 1

by Don  

Tonight I made Caveman Chili from “The Garden of Eating.” It was okay. I cooked it in a steel pan that was pretty thin, and I wonder if that didn't burn the ingredients a bit more than intended. It also seemed to me that there wasn't quite enough liquid in the recipe, so halfway through the cooking I added a cup of boiling water, and then near the end another cup. Most likely it was a bit dryer than the chef intended because I only found tomatoes that weren't quite ripe enough. I look forward to trying the recipe again.

On second thought it's possible that I also cooked it on too high a heat. I kept it boiling as opposed to reducing it to simmering, so that may have been part of the dryihg out problem as well. It's all still quite edible, though. None of it will be thrown out.

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