
by Don  

Tepines or chiltepines are the smallest member of the chile (capsicum annum) family. They are probably the original from which all the other chile cultivars are descended, including bell peppers, jalapenos, poblanos, etc. Here's a picture of them next to a quarter teaspoon measure:
They are extremely hot. Four tepines can spice up a gallon and a half of soup for people who are not chile heads. You can easily find them in the Mexican food section of any store in Phoenix in packages like the one pictured here.

I adore tepines. I'll crush three or four of them and throw them into scrambled eggs. They add heat to any curried dish that is not based on chile paste. Once in a blue moon I'll make a huge pot of hamburger soup and throw in half a teaspon of chiltepines, which makes a nice burn.

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