«Зарулила я в бутик»

by Don  

Over a year ago I posted an entry on the words блузка/кофта that included a translation contest. Then I headed to Russia and lost track of it. Finally here are the results. The original and somewhat vulgar poem is posted here.

The best translation was submitted by D. Preker, and the first runner up was B. Schilke. Both translations are posted here.

PS to D. Preker. The e-mail address you originally wrote from is no longer valid. Send my your mailing address to collect your prize money. Specify the e-mail address from which you originally sent the translation as well so I know it's the real you.

1 comment

Where did you get the “poem"?

But I must admit its translation is superb! My hat goes off to you, D. Preker!!!

Don responds: The poem made its way around the internet some years ago. Alas, I don’t remember quite how I stumbled it. I was searching either for the блузка or кофта, I believe.

06/09/11 @ 11:33

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