От (часть первая)
The preposition от often means from, and it is always used with the genitive case. Specifically if you are coming from seeing someone, then you can use от:
— Откуда ты идёшь? — От декана. |
“Where are you coming from?” “From seeing the dean.” |
— Откуда ты идёшь? — От Бори. |
“Where are you coming from?” “From Boris's place.” |
Когда я вернулся от зубного врача, я сразу же выпил две таблетки кодеина. | When I got back from the dentist's office, I immediately took two codeine pills. |
Когда вернёшься от бабушки, не забудь поставить кастрюлю в печь на малый огонь. | When you get back from Grandma's place, don't forget to put the casserole in the oven on low. |
1 comment
It seems, whenever you use “к” to mean “to", you also use “от” to express the idea “from".
06/21/11 @ 06:04
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