
by Tatiana  

My grandmother used to have a big box of jewelry. It was always carefully placed on the second shelf of her armoire. When I was little, I loved playing with it, pretending I was an exotic princess. I have no idea why my grandmother trusted me with her little treasure box. Frankly, if I were her, I’d think a dozen times before letting me play with it; the fact that I never lost any of it could only be pure luck. There were so many nice, almost antique, pieces in there: earrings, rings, bracelets and beads. But what I liked the most was a tiny pendant with a blue rock and a golden setting. There was something so exquisite about it, my inner princess simply had to have it! After my grandmother passed away, my mom kept the jewelry box. I am not even sure what happened to it after we moved to the US. I have been trying to find a picture similar to the pendant I remember. The picture above somewhat resembles it but certainly doesn’t do it true justice.

In Russian a pendant is кулон, which is a noun of masculine gender. Its diminutive is кулончик. In fact, if I were to talk about my grandmother’s pendant in Russian, I would most likely use кулончик to emphasize its small size as well as its fragility.


Какая красивая цепочка! А кулончик вместе с ней продаётся? What a beautiful chain! Do you sell the pendant with it?
В набор входят серьги, цепочка и кулон. The set includes earrings, a chain and a pendant.
Смотри, какой кулончик мне Саша подарил! Он принадлежал его прабабушке! Look, what a pendant Sasha gave me as a gift! It belonged to his great grandmother!
Мой Дима такой романтик! Вчера он мне подарил маленький кулончик в форме сердечка, в который он вложил наши фотографии! My Dima is such a romantic! Yesterday he gave me a little pendant in a shape of a heart, which had our photos in it!
Сколько будет починить этот кулон? Видите, из него камушек выпадает. How much would it be to fix this pendant? See, the gem is falling out.

1 comment

Comment from: Janet Bianchini [Visitor]

Здравствуйте! I came across your lovely site via the Top 100 Blogs. I would just like to say that I will be popping in to refresh my knowledge of Russian, whenever I can. Your site is very helpful indeed.

Many thanks and best of luck with the competition.


05/23/10 @ 11:46

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