Как долго идти
Today we'll learn about asking “How long does it take to get to such-and-such a place.” Probably the easiest way is to use the phrase «как долго» “how long” followed by a unidirectional infinitive and the prepositions от/до. (От and до are usually used to mean “from” and “to” when talking about distances or times.) Of course, you will want to change the verb depending on the mode of transport:
— Как долго идти от почты до аптеки? — Недолго. Минут пять. |
“How long does it take to walk from the post office to the pharmacy?” “Not long. About five minutes.” |
— Как долго ехать от Москвы до Петербурга? — На скором поезде туда ехать всего восемь часов. |
“How long does it take to get from Moscow to St. Petersburg?” “On the express train it takes only eight hours.” |
— Как долго плыть от Хельсинки до Стокгольма? — На пароходе семнадцать часов. |
“How long does it take to get from Helsinki to Stockholm?” “By boat seventeen hours.” |
— Как долго лететь из Москвы в Париж? — Только три часа. |
“How long does it take to get from Moscow to Paris.” “Only three hours.” |
If you want to ask about how long it will take on a particular occasion, then of course you can use either the past or future as well:
— Как долго будем ехать от Москвы до Петербурга? — Часов восемь. |
“How long will it take to get from Moscow to Petersburg?” “About eight hours.” |
— Как долго вы ехали от Москвы до Петербурга? — Шестнадцать часов. Не было билетов на скорый поезд. |
“How long did it take to get from Moscow to Petersburg?” “Sixteen hours. There weren't any tickets for the express train.” |
The phrase «сколько времени» can replace «как долго» in all those sentences and will mean the same thing.
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