Когда? Во сколько? В котором часу? (без четверти семь)
To say "at a quarter to two," a Russian literally says "without a quarter two," where the preposition без means without and governs the genitive case. The word четверть means quarter and is a feminine third-declension noun which takes и in the genitive signular. When speaking of a quarter to one, they usually leave the number "one" out and simply say "hour." When speaking of the other "quarter tos," they usually leave out the word "hour."
For most time phrases, the way you say “It is now such-and-such o'clock” is different from the way you say “It happened at such-and-such o'clock.” When addressing times that are a quarter to the hour, however, the “what time is it” construction is the same as the “at what time” construction. Thus:
Передача начинается без четверти час. | The show begins at a quarter to one. |
Передача начинается без четверти два. | The show begins at a quarter to two. |
Передача начинается без четверти три. | The show begins at a quarter to three. |
Передача начинается без четверти четыре. | The show begins at a quarter to four. |
Передача начинается без четверти пять. | The show begins at a quarter to five. |
Передача начинается без четверти шесть. | The show begins at a quarter to six. |
Передача начинается без четверти семь. | The show begins at a quarter to seven. |
Передача начинается без четверти восемь. | The show begins at a quarter to eight. |
Передача начинается без четверти девять. | The show begins at a quarter to nine. |
Передача начинается без четверти десять. | The show begins at a quarter to ten. |
Передача начинается без четверти одиннадцать. | The show begins at a quarter to eleven. |
Передача начинается без четверти двенадцать. | The show begins at a quarter to twelve. |
The time expression can also be used in the past and future tenses:
Передача началась без четверти час. | The show began at a quarter to one. |
Передача начнётся без четверти час. | The show will begin at a quarter to one. |
Since most other "at such-and-such a time" phrases start with the preposition в, it's a common mistake by beginning students of Russian to assume that the same holds true for times at a quarter to the hour. It does not. One never says in Russian «в без четверти семь»:
Okay | Not okay |
Передача началась без четверти час. |
Other entries dealing with time are soon to come. Look for them under the categories "Time phrases" and "What time is it" and "At what time."
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