
by Don  

There is only one third-declension masculine noun in modern Russian, and that word is путь, which means path or way. It declines like this:


The word is particularly often found in the phrase «по пути» “on the way”:

По пути к зубному врачу Маша купила плитку шоколада. Maria bought a chocolate bar on the way to the dentist's office.
Юр, по пути домой не забудь купить картошку для ужина. Yuri, don't forget to buy potatoes on the way home.

The word is also used in the phrase «на обратном пути» “on the way back”:

Мы хорошо доехали до Киева, но на обратном пути попали в аварию. We made it to Kiev just fine, but on the way back we got in an accident.
Дмитрий Медведев уже на обратном пути из Гаваны в Москву. Dmitri Medvedev is already on the way back to Moscow from Havana.


by Don  

The Russian word кино is an indeclinable neuter noun. Indeclinable nouns are ones that never change their endings:


One of the meanings of кино is “cinema” or “cinematography” or “film.” Although the noun itself does not change endings, the adjective that modifies it must:

Юля изучает немецкое кино. Yulia is studying German cinema/cinematography/film.
Я подарил ей справочник по американскому кино. I gave her a reference book on American cinema.

The word can also be used to mean “movie theater”:

В кино было тепло. Пришлось снять свитер. It was warm in the theater. I had to take off my sweater.
В кино есть туалет? Does the theater have a bathroom?
Как только мы вышли из кино, к нам подошли цыганские дети, которые просили деньги. As soon as we stepped out of the theater, some Gypsy children walked up to us asking for money.
Перед кино стояла огромная статуя Ленина. In front of the theater there was an enormous statue of Lenin.

The word can also mean a film or movie:

Мы вчера смотрели кино. We watched a movie yesterday.
Что за кино вы смотрели? What kind of movie did you see?
What movie did you see?
Какое кино вы смотрели? What kind of movie did you see?
What movie did you see?
Давай пойдём в кино. Let's go to a movie.
Let's go to the movies.


by Don  

The most common Russian word for “to shave” — as in the daily male habit of shaving one's face — is бриться/побриться. It conjugates like this:

Imperfective Perfective
Infinitive бриться побриться
Past брился
Present бреюсь
No such thing as
perfective present
in Russian.
Future буду бриться
будешь бриться
будет бриться
будем бриться
будете бриться
будут бриться
Imperative брейся

For instance:

Как часто ты бреешься? How often do you shave?
В средней школе я брился два разa в неделю. In high school I shaved twice a week.
Летом я не буду бриться. Интересно, какая у меня вырастет борода? This summer I'm not going to shave. I wonder how my beard will turn out?
Побрейся перед тем, как выйти на улицу, а то девушки на тебя не будут смотреть. Shave before you go outside, otherwise the girls aren't going to look at you.
Староверы не бреются. Old Believers don't shave.

The thing you shave with goes into the instrumental case without a preposition. Most of the time that will be a variation on the word бритва ‘razor’:

Мне надо побриться. Где моя бритва? I need to shave. Where is my razor?
Я бреюсь станком, а мой брат любит опасные бритвы. I shave with a safety razor, but my brother likes straight razors.
Папа бреется электробритвой. Dad uses an electric razor.
Пашина щетина растёт так густо, что он может бриться только опасной бритвой. Pavel's beard grows so thick that he can only shave with a straight razor.


by Don  

The most common Russian word for five is пять, which declines like this:


When пять occurs in oblique cases (oblique means a case other than nominative or accusative), it works pretty well like we would expect from a theoretical point of view; that is, it declines as we would expect and the noun it quantifies shows up in the same case in the plural:

Gen Мы там работали около пяти часов. We worked there around five hours.
Pre Мы поговорили о пяти книгах. We talked about five books.
Dat Я подошёл к пяти иностранцам. I walked up to five foreigners.
Ins Я работаю с пятью америкосами. I work with five Yanks.

Now here's the weird part... If пять is part of a nominative case number phrase or an accusative case number phrase, then the noun it quantifies shows up in the genitive plural:

Во дворе играли пять мальчиков. Five boys were playing in the courtyard.
Я купил пять столов. I bought five tables.

I know, I know. You are wondering why. The answer of course is that the Russians do this for security purposes: by making the language complicated, it's easier to identify foreign spies...

Note: америкос is a mildly condescending word for Americans.

Флешка (часть вторая)

by Don  

Nowadays everyone seems to have a flash drive to transfer files from one computer to another. You stick it in a USB port on your laptop and —bang!— you're in business. The most common Russian word for flash drive is флешка. Even though the third letter is е, the л is pronounced hard. It declines like this:


When you copy a file to/from a flash drive, you can use quite a few verbs, including скачивать/скачать, копировать/скопировать and скидывать/скинуть. You copy to a флешка using на + accusative:

Скопируй тот файл на мою флешку. Copy that file to my flash drive.
Я сейчас скину фотки на флешку. I will copy the photos the flash drive right away.
Почему ты не скачал софт на флешку? Why didn't you copy the software to the flash drive?

If you copy from a флешка, you use с + genitive:

Скопируй первое кино с флешки. Copy the first movie from the flash drive.
Я сейчас скину весь пиратский софт с флешки. I will copy all the pirateware from the flash drive right away.
Ничего не скачивай с флешки. На ней есть вирус. Не знаешь, как удалить? Don't copy anything from the flash drive. It has a virus. Do you know how to get rid of it?
— Юр, скопируй с флешки «rocklobster.mp3». Песня тебе понравится.
— Ладно, давай... Так, скопировал. А как насчёт других файлов?
— Это всё порнушка. Не стоит копировать. Она некачественная.
“Yuri, copy ‘rocklobster.mp3’ from my flash drive. You’ll like the song.”
“Okay, give it here... There we go, it’s copied. What about these other files?”
“That's all porn. Don't bother copying it. It’s low quality.”

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