Category: "Luludya"
Год (часть первая)
I awoke this morning with the newly-risen sun shining mercilessly in my eyes, my back propped against a mesquite tree. The cacti on either side of me and a couple of jack rabbits munching on scrub grass indicated that I had slept the night in the… more »
Год (часть вторая)
Thanks so much for all the warm expressions of sympathy yesterday from people about yesterday's misadventure. It is good to know that so many other people have been in similar situations. Falling in love with a Gypsy woman is an overwhelming experience,… more »
Год (часть третья)
As Luludya and I were smoking clove cigarettes early this morning, she expressed her hope that I would continue to write this blog for many years. It warms my heart to think that a Gypsy woman, born in a wagon and raised among tambourines, should have… more »
Год (часть четвёртая)
Curses. On Saturday I again proposed to Luludya. She insists, despite our five sons, that she can never marry a man who is not Roma. This insistence nonetheless leads me to a certain point of view in this posting. What if Luludya had agreed to marry me?… more »
Глаз (часть первая)
Luludya withdrew her lips from mine, gazed up at me soulfully and whispered: У тебя такие красивые глаза, как у верблюда! Your eyes are as pretty as a camel’s! Several hours later, in the exhausted aftermath, it struck me that perhaps some Americans… more »