Category: "Other creepie-crawlies"
The Russian word крыса means 'rat,' as in the animal. It declines as such:
Sg | Pl | |
Nom | крыса | крысы |
Acc | крысу | крыс |
Gen | крысы | крыс |
Pre | крысе | крысах |
Dat | крысе | крысам |
Ins | крысой | крысами |
Photo Credit: (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0], via Wikimedia Commons
Here are a few sample sentences:
Крыса грызла туфли. | The rat gnawed the shoes. |
В доме есть крысы! | There are rats in the house! |
Я был вчера на мусорной свалке и увидел много больших крыс! | I was at the dump yesterday, and I saw a lot of big rats! |
Меня укусила крыса, пришлось сделать укол от бешенства. | A rat bit me, and I had to get a rabies shot. |
Мой лучший друг — телепатическая крыса, которая защищает меня от забияк. | My best friend is a telepathic rat who protects me from bullies. |
That last sentence is the plot to the movie Ben. The movie had a famous theme song which was sung by Michael Jackson... Michael himself had a very odd life with friends few and far between, more comfortable with animals than people. Somehow his singing this song seems oddly fitting.