Кирпич, часть первая

by Don  

The Russian word for brick is кирпич. It is an end-stressed noun, so it declines like this:


Generally speaking, if you are discussing the substance out of which something is made, then you usually use кирпич in the singular.

Музей построен из красного кирпича. The museum is made of red brick.
Вокруг дома стояла прочная стена из кирпича производства компании Аккрингтон. Around the house there was a sturdy wall of Accrington brick.

Of course, if you are counting the bricks the word can occur in the singular and the plural.

После торнадо все было разрушено. От нашего дома остался только один жалкий кирпич. After the tornado every was destroyed. Only one pitiful brick was left of our house.
Чтобы достроить стену, нужно еще только два кирпича. We only need two more bricks to finish the wall.
Я построил книжный шкаф из двадцати шести кирпичей и шести досок. I built a bookshelf from twenty-six bricks and six boards.

There is more to be said about this word, but that will have to wait till the next couple of entries.

1 comment

Comment from: Sabi [Visitor]

“Кирича” etc => “Кирпича”

Don responds: Thanks! Typo fixed!

06/22/14 @ 00:25

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