The Russian word пчела means 'bee'. It is end-stressed in the singular and root stressed in the plural. It declines like so:
Sg | Pl | |
Nom | пчела | пчёлы |
Acc | пчелу | пчёл |
Gen | пчелы | пчёл |
Pre | пчеле | пчёлах |
Dat | пчеле | пчёлам |
Ins | пчелой | пчёлах |

Russia actually has an abundance of bees. Just a little while ago Russia sent some of their bees over to America to help revive the dwindling bee population. These Russian honeybees are really helping to boost bee populations around the world along with Italian honeybees.
Here are some example sentences:
У меня пчела в волосах! | There's a bee in my hair! |
Достань соты из улья, но осторожно, а то пчёлы ужалят. | Get the honeycomb out of the beehive, but be careful or the bees will sting you. |
У меня аллергия на пчёл. | I'm allergic to bees. |
Когда его ужалила пчела, он опух, как воздушный шар. | When the bee stung him, he swelled up like a balloon. |
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