Корова (часть вторая)

by Don  

The word for cow in Russian is корова. It declines like this:


Here are a few sentences...

Корова больше собаки. A cow is bigger than a dog.
—Сколько у вас коров на даче?
— У нас три коровы. Продаём их молоко.
“How many cows do you have at your dacha?”
“We have three cows. We sell their milk.”
Я не люблю коров. Они не слушаются, как собаки. I don't like cows. They aren't as obedient as dogs.
В Европе коров едят, а в Индии их почитают. In Europe they eat cows, and in India they revere them.*

* Okay, I admit to some plagiarism here. I was having a flashback to Herodotus, who wrote, “How crocodiles are worshipped by some, killed and eaten by by others.”


Comment from: S. [Visitor]


“It declines like this.” Once upon a time I lived in a country where this would never be said. At that time in that country I even learned Latin. This country is no more, but the expression would have been “It is declined like this.” Or even, “It is declined thusly.”

Yes, one can wax ad nauseam about the life of a language, but really, this rapid, thoughtless deterioration is why I would prefer to never speak English again.

Don responds: Ach, Oliphant, you make me smile!

I, too, have my linguistic pet peeves. Moi, I hate it when people use ‘disrespect’ as a verb or pronounce ‘realtor’ as ree-luh-ter. Or when people unnecessarily throw in French words.

01/23/13 @ 07:37
Comment from: Clifton [Visitor]

In the Anthony Burgess novel ‘A Clockwork Orange’ the young punks use a lot of Russian language-based slang.

The story opens in the ‘Korova Milk Bar’, a kind of club which sells drug-laced milk drinks.

03/15/12 @ 22:30
Comment from: Onno [Visitor]

коро́в should be also genitive plural, right? and not коровы as you wrote in the table?
Or do the verbs love and eat take a genitive object?

Don responds: Oops, got my “rowspan” attribute in the wrong place. Thanks! It’s been fixed.

03/10/12 @ 01:11

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