
by Don  

Russian has two words for blue, and the one that is the equivalent of light blue is голубой, which declines like this:

Masc Neut Fem Pl
Nom голубой голубое голубая голубые
Acc * голубую *
Gen голубого голубой голубых
Pre голубом
Dat голубому голубым
Ins голубым голубыми

In its primary meaning the word means the same as its English equivalent:

Она любит носить голубые свитера. She likes to wear light-blue sweaters.
Она сегодня в голубом свитере. Today she is wearing a light-blue sweater.
Банк находится около пятиэтажного голубого здания. The bank is located near a five-story, light-blue building.
Сегодня небо без облаков, ясное и голубое. В такие дни у меня такое хорошее настроение. Today the sky has no clouds; it's clear and blue. On days like this I feel so good.

The word also has an alternative slang meaning, which is ‘gay, pertaining to homosexuals’:

— Я так люблю Гришу. Он будет моим парнем!
— Даже не надейся. Разве ты не знала, что он голубой?
— Правда? Чёрт подери. Я должна была знать. Он ведь так хорошо одевается.
“I really like Grisha. He's going to be my boyfriend!”
“Don't even think it. Did you seriously not know that he's gay?”
“Really? Goddammit. I should have known. He dresses so well.”

Interesting enough, голубой in this sense can only be applied to men, not to women.


Comment from: MMM [Visitor]  

Лесбиянки, лесби. Нужно быть одной из них, чтобы знать другие слова.

02/07/14 @ 03:39
Comment from: Dmitry_rus [Visitor]

голубой in this sense can only be applied to men, not to women.
Sometimes you may hear “розовая” in this case (women).

11/16/13 @ 19:42
Comment from: it-ogo [Visitor]

Lesbians in colloquial Russian are “розовые” - pink.

02/11/12 @ 23:06
Comment from: Richard [Visitor]

So is there a slang term for lesbians?

Keep throwing in slang terms on your posts, slang adds colour to a language! No pun intended! LOL

Don responds: I’m behind on my lesbian vocabulary, I’m afraid. Hopefully some reader will give us some insight.

02/10/12 @ 14:15

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