Вареники (часть первая)

by Olga  

Вареники is a traditional Ukrainian dish which is also very popular in Russia. They are dumplings that can be stuffed with potatoes and mushrooms картошка и грибы, cabbage капуста, cabbage and mushrooms капуста и грибы, fish рыба, meat мясо, liver печёнка, cherries черешня, or strawberries клубника. The stuffing possibilities are endless which makes this dish unique because you can individualize each вареник perfectly for yourself.

Occasionally my mother makes вареники. Her favorite stuffing ingredients are potatoes and mushrooms, cabbage and mushrooms, and cherries. When we have company, she often makes this dish for the guests and at the end of the day, she happily announces «Гости съели все вареники!» “The guests ate all the dumplings”. My mom has altered the recipe slightly by deep frying each dumpling to create a crispy shell a crunchy taste. These dumplings are usually served with sour cream сметана, fried onion жареный лук, or melted butter расплавленое сливочное масло. My mouth is already starting to water as I describe this tasty dish!


Comment from: Boris Birch [Visitor]

варить – to boil (ie. dumpling)
пирог – North American pie
пирожок, пирожки – small pie[s], turnover[s]

12/11/12 @ 09:47
Comment from: Vladimir [Visitor]

Pierogi is a Polish word for the Ukrainian word ‘вареники’. Пироги or пиріжки in Ukrainian and пироги or пирожки in Russian are pies (baked or fried) filled with meat, potato, mushrooms, cabbage, cottage cheese… the list goes on.

03/09/09 @ 16:26
Comment from: Jenny [Visitor]

Вопрос - какая разница между вареники and пирожки? And here in the States, you can buy a product called pirogie, which are pretty much like вареники, although the пироги I ate in Russia were a meat filed fried (I think) bread-pocket. All yummy, though.

10/14/08 @ 09:29

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