
by Don  

The word право means right in the sense of “the right to do something”. In the singular it is stem-stressed, and in the plural it is end-stressed.


The word means right both in the sense of moral rights and legal rights:

Не кричи, ты не имеешь права говорить со мной таким тоном! Don't shout! You don't have the right to speak to me in that tone of voice.
В западных странах каждый имеет право сказать, что хочет. In Western countries each person has the right to say whatever they want.
В Аризоне каждый имеет право носить пистолет на территории университета, но не в аудиториях. In Arizona everyone has the right to carry a gun on the university campus, but not in the classrooms themselves.

If you combine the noun with водительский in the plural, then the phrase means driver's license.*

У тебя есть водительские права? Do you have a driver's license?
Нельзя водить машину без водительских прав. You can't drive a car without a driver's license.
В США с водительскими правами можно купить спиртное, а без них — нет. In the US you can buy alcohol with a driver's license, but not without one.
Согласно вашим водительским правам, вам только восемнадцать лет. Не могу впустить вас. Accordeing to your driver's license you are only eighteen years old. I can't let you in.

* In Arizona, at least, the official phrase is “driver license”, but normal human beings say “driver’s license”.

1 comment

Comment from: Andrey [Visitor]

“Имеешь правО", but “не имеешь правА". You should use genitive in this case.

Don responds: Thanks! Correction made.

04/22/11 @ 02:07

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