
by Don  

There are three words that native speakers of English often confuse at first in their studies of Russian:

  1. The first one of those is дома, which is an adverb that means “at home.” It never changes its endings.
  2. The second is домой, which is an adverb that means “home” in the sense of “homeward/to home.” It never changes its endings.
  3. The third is дом, which is a noun that means “house” or “building” and occurs in the singular and plural of all six cases. The genitive singular of this nouns is дома, which is spelled the same as #1 above, but means something different. The nominative/accusative plural is дома “houses/buildings,” which again is spelled the same as #1 above, but obviously the meanings and stress don't match.

Today we are focusing on дома in the meaning “at home.” As an adverb it cannot be used with a preposition:

— Где ты была?
— Я была дома.
“Where were you?”
“I was at home.”
— Когда я дома, я всегда учу английские глаголы.
— А когда я дома, я всегда смотрю по телевизору «Хаус».
“When I am at home, I always memorize English verbs.”
“And when I am at home, I always watch ‘House’ on TV.”
— Не люблю ужинать в ресторанах.
— Это нормально. Лучше дома.
“I don't like to eat in restaurants.”
“That's normal. It's better at home.”
Я ем кошачье мясо только дома, но не у друзей. I eat cat meat only at home, never at friends' houses.

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