Дом (часть первая)
There are three words that native speakers of English often confuse at first in their studies of Russian:
- The first one of those is дома, which is an adverb that means “at home.” It never changes its endings.
- The second is домой, which is an adverb that means “home” in the sense of “homeward/to home.” It never changes its endings.
- The third is дом, which is a noun that means “house” or “building” and occurs in the singular and plural of all six cases.
Today we are focusing on дом, which means “home/building.” As a noun it occurs in all six cases in the singular and plural:
Sg | Pl | |
Nom | дом | дома |
Acc | ||
Gen | дома | домов |
Pre | доме | домах |
Dat | дому | домам |
Ins | домом | домами |
Since it is a noun, it can be used with prepositions:
Такси подъехало к дому в два часа ночи. | The taxi drove up to the building/house at two o'clock in the morning. |
В этом доме живут человек пятьсот. | About five hundred people live in this building. |
Рядом с этим домом находится почта. | There is a post office next to this building. |
У дома находится красивый огород. | There is a beautiful garden right next to this building. |
Of course, the noun can also be used without prepositions:
Наш дом — одиннадцатиэтажный. | Our building is eleven stories high. |
В Орехове-Борисове столько высотных домов, и они все похожи друг на друга. | In the Orekhovo-Borisovo [region] there are so many tall buildings, and they all look [exactly] like each other. |
— Ты видишь тот дом? — Какой? — Жёлтый. — Да, вижу. |
“Do you see that building?” “Which one?” “The yellow one.” “Yes, I see it.” |
— Какие красивые дома! — Да, красивые. Они все были построены после войны. |
“What beautiful buildings!” “Yes, they are beautiful. They were all built after the war.” |
1 comment
You have forgotten the private case of prepositional - locativ (or local case) - домУ, e.g. я работаю на дому.
09/21/10 @ 06:14
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