If you want to talk about your brother, the most likely word you will use in Russian is брат. It has an irregular plural form:
Sg | Pl | |
Nom | брат | братья |
Acc | брата | братьев |
Gen | ||
Pre | брате | братьях |
Dat | брату | братьям |
Ins | братом | братьями |
Very often брат is used with the words старший older/oldest and младший younger/youngest. Since those words are ambiguous, I like to fudge in non-professional work and translate them as big and little. In professional translation, of course, you should determine whether the superlative meaning (oldest/youngest) or comparative meaning (older/younger) is the correct one:
Это мой старший брат. | This is my oldest brother. This is my older brother. This is my big brother. |
Это мой младший брат. | This is my youngest brother. This is my younger brother. This is my little brother. |
— Откуда у тебя синяк под глазом? — Я положил целую кучу червяков под одеяло моего брата, и за это он меня побил. |
“How did you get that black eye?” “I put a whole bunch of worms under my brother's bedspread, and he hit me for it.” |
Передай своему брату привет. Я по нему скучаю. | Tell your brother ‘hi’ for me. I miss him. |
— Мы с братом вчера подожгли старый сарай за фабрикой. — Ну вы дураки! — Ничего мы не дураки. В нём ничего не было. К тому же, было интересно. |
“Yesterday my brother and I set fire to the old shed behind the factory.” “You are such idiots!” “We're not idiots. There was nothing in it. Besides, it was fun.” |
Мы с братьями вчера ходили на «Солт». Мы все любим Анджелину Джоли. | Yesterday my brothers and I went to see [the movie] “Salt.” We all love Angelina Jolie. |
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