С — часть первая (with)

by Don  

The preposition "с" has several meanings and can be used with several cases. When "с" means "with" it is followed by the instrumental case:

Я работаю с девушкой, которая говорит на четырёх языках. I work with a woman who speaks four languages.
— Ты хочешь чёрный кофе?
— Нет, со сливками.
"Do you want your coffee black?"
"No, with cream."
— С кем ты ходил в кино?
— С Верой.
"Who did you go to the movie with?"
"With Vera."
Я люблю пирожки с капустой. I love cabbage pirozhki.

One thing a beginner has to watch out for is that sometimes you must NOT use "с" in translating the English word "with." This is particularly true when indicating the "means by which" you do something. This is the "pure instrumental" meaning of the instrumental:

Русские обычно едят торт ложкой. Russians usually eat cake with spoon.
— Чем ты пишешь? Карандашом?
— Нет, ручкой.
"What are you writing with? A pencil?"
"No, a pen."
Саша ударил Ваню кулаком. Sasha hit Vanya with his fist.

In those last three examples it would be wrong in Russian to include "с".


Comment from: Paul Baxter [Visitor]

As hinted in some of your examples, some of these usages are cases where “with” is not used in English, but could be easily understood, such as macaroni and cheese

08/05/10 @ 02:14
Comment from: Anya [Visitor]  

LOVING this thanks :D very useful

08/04/10 @ 16:51

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