The Russian word for address is адрес:
Sg | Pl | |
Nom | адрес | адреса |
Acc | ||
Gen | адреса | адресов |
Pre | адресе | адресах |
Dat | адресу | адресам |
Ins | адресом | адресами |
The primary meaning is the postal address to which one send mail. Russian addresses during the 1980s began with country, then city, then city/street/street address and person. There was a certain logic to that. Nowadays the official guidelines seem to have changed, and addresses start with the person and then go to street, and then to broader areas which may include city or region, and finally comes the postal code. For instance:
Запиши свой адрес и я летом пошлю тебе открытку. | Write down your address I'll send you a a postcard this summer. |
— Не подскажете, где улица Ахматовой двацать восемь? — Нет такого адреса. Номерация домов только до двадцать шестого дома. — Ой, не может быть! Значит, девушка в клубе мне солгала. Какой я несчастный! Ничего тут не поделаешь. Я брошу себя под поезд. — Под поезд отсюда будет далековато, но Вы можете броситься в реку. Это наверное удобнее. |
“Could you tell me where number twenty-eight Akhmatova street is?” “There is no such address. The addresses only go up to building twenty-six.” “Oh, no, it can't be! That means that the girl at the club lied to me. I'm so miserable! There's nothing left to do. I will throw myself under a train.” “It's kind of a long way from here to the trains, but you can throw yourself in the river. That's probably more convenient.” |
Мой двоюродный брат из США временно зарегистрирован по нашему адресу. | My cousin from the US is temporarily registered at our address. |
— Не знаете, где живёт Руслан Иванович? — Да что вы. В этом городе живёт свыше миллиона человек. Без точного адреса никого не найдёшь. |
“Do you know where Ruslan Ivanovich lives?” “Don't be silly. More than a million people live in this city. You can't find anyone without an exact address.” |
The word адрес can also be used in the sense of an e-mail address:
C моего адреса рассылается спам. (source) | Spam is being sent from my address. |
В клубе — Какая ты красивая! Не дашь мне свой и-мейл? — Да. Запиши «krasavitsa@example.com». — «Example.com»? Не слышал о таком домене. — Тебе как иностранцу наверно это новость, но этo самый популярный почтовый сайт в России. — Правда? Я не знал. Завтра обязательно пошлю тебе сообщение. |
At a nightclub “You are so beautiful! Could you give me your e-mail address?” “Yes. Write down krasavitsa@example.com.” “Example.com? I've never heard of that domain.” “It's probably new to you as a foreigner, but it's the most popular mail site in Russia.” “Really? I didn't know. I'll send you a message tomorrow for sure.” ¹ |
The word адрес can also be used in the sense of a person at whom a comment is directed:
— Вань, мама пригласила тебя к нам в воскресенье на ужин. — Не пойду. Она всегда делает замечания в мой адрес. |
“Ivan, Mom has invited you to our place for dinner on Sunday.” “I'm not going to go. She always criticizes me.” |
¹ Okay, this is nerd humor, so I suppose I had better explain it. Per RFC 2606 "example.com" is one of those domain names reserved for use in documentation examples; in other words, no one anywhere can ever have a working domain named "example.com." If someone gives you an e-mail address with that domain in it, it means they are pulling the wool over your eyes. So the sucker in this example will have no future with the krasavitsa in question.
I am not so particular with writing an address: I used to write the address when lived in Russia starting from the name of the town, then street name, then #, and name of the recipient… (And I lived there for 47 years since my birth…)
But I do not like Russian version of the first sample dialog: we wouldn’t make such a big deal of the address, it doesn’t mean that somebody lied to you, and it doesn’t make you feel miserable. And we do not say “I will throw myself under a train…
So, my Russian version of the same short dialogue would be as following:
Не подскажете, где улица Ахматовой двацать восемь?
— Нет такого адреса. НYмерация домов только до двадцать шестого дома.— Ой, не может быть! Почему же девушка в клубе не сказала мне об этом? Это очень грустно… Ничего тут не поделаешь. Я из-за этого не буду бросаться под поезд.
That way the dialogue will sound happier…))
Well it’s not clear how you must write an address in Russia. You say it is written beginning with country and down to the person’s name and in your example it’s written with person’s name first down to the postal code.
10 or 20 years ago we were writing addresses just like that: postal code, then city etc and down to person’s name. But now, at least at Ukraine, we write just like the rest of the world does. Not sure about Russia, I did not send any mail there.
The fact is, that the general-to-specific approach, which we used before, makes more sense to the sender. While specific-to-general is more comfortable for post office workers.
We still write dates in that fashion, though :) dd/mm/yyyy, not mm/dd/yyyy because it’s weird!
Don responds: Wow, that was some bad editing on my part. Thanks for the note. The text has been updated.
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