В интернете
The other day I committed a linguistic sin in an e-mail and wrote that I had read something на вебе "on the web." I was immediately shot down like a clay pigeon at an NRA convention. "We don't say на вебе." Actually, you do say it sometimes: I first encountered it in an e-mail sent by a Russian. Still, just because one person said it doesn't mean it's a good idea for me to repeat it. I should double-check myself. I googled the various phrases that had been suggested and came up with the following stats (07 Sep 2008):
Search phrase | Hits |
в интернете | 28,500,000 |
на интернете | 155,000 |
в сети | 22,100,000 |
на сети | 20 |
в инете | 7,300,000 |
на инете | 31,600 |
в нете | 1,970,000 |
на вебе | 20,200 |
Conclusion? Very few people say на вебе. So few that I'd have to consider it “incorrect.” My bad. Henceforth I'll stick with «в интернете» or «в инете».
PS. There is also a bit of unsurety among some Russians whether they should say в сети в сети. I'm not touching that one.
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