
by Don  

The Russian word for every is каждый. In terms of its endings it is a simple adjective that agrees with its noun in case, number, and gender:

Я обожаю каждую девушку, которую я вижу. I worship every woman that I see.
Каждый американец знает, что надо пить восемь стаканов воды в день. Every American knows that you should drink eight glasses of water a day.
Каждый русский знает, что для всех законов есть свои исключения. Every Russian knows that there is an exception to every law.
Марина такая добрая учительница. Она в каждом своём ученике находит хорошее. Marina is such a kind teacher. She finds the good in each one of her students.

The word каждый is often used in time phrases like every day, every month, every year. If it modifies a masculine noun, you might think that it is used in the nominative case, but once you see it with a feminine noun, you realize that those time phrases are in the accusative case:

Каждый год мой сын растёт всё выше и выше. Every year my son grows taller and taller.
Каждую субботу хожу на птичий рынок посмотреть, какие там собаки. Every Saturday I go to the pet market to see what kind of dogs they have.
Каждую секунду на земле рождается четыре человека. Every second four people are born on Earth.

If the accusative number phrase has a number in it, then каждый comes before it in the plural:

— Я зубы чищу каждые три часа.
— Каждые три часа? Это уже какой-то комплекс.
— Ну, понимаешь, моя мама зубной врач. Она меня так воспитала.
“I brush my teeth every three hours.”
“Every three hours? That's some kind of mental dysfunction.”
“Well, y'know, my mother is a dentist. She raised me like that.”


Comment from: Edgar [Visitor]

Good work on the translation! Flowery, high-fallutin Russian like that on monuments, etc. is in a class of its own.

05/17/10 @ 10:50
Comment from: David Rex-Taylor [Visitor]  

The 65th anniversary of 2WW reminds me of this Petersburg memorial: Please advise if my translatiion is OK. [UK fan]

Против Всех Угнетателей

At the will of the tyrants, nations were tearing each other to pieces. You rose up, Workers’ Petersburg, and best started the war of all the oppressed against all our oppressors, in order to destroy the very seed of war.

Don responds: Not bad. To capture the flow of the sentences, I’m tempted to add a couple of functional and explicatory words like “when” and “city of” and slightly reprhases it:

When nations were tearing each other apart at the will of tyrants, you, Petersburg, city of the Working Man, were the first to rise up to wage the war of the oppressed against all oppressors so that the very seed of war could be destroyed.

05/15/10 @ 05:31
Comment from: Priscila Andrade [Visitor]

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05/14/10 @ 04:30

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