
by Don  

Every culture has a set of words and rules used in the social ritual of introducing people. For Russians the key word is «Познакомьтесь!», which is the вы imperative form of the verb познакомиться “to become acquainted;” познакомьтесь literally means “Acquaint yourselves!” The introduction ritual for Russians can be remarkably brief. Let's say Tanya and and her friend Olga are standing on the corner talking. Up to them walks Tanya's friend Vera, who doesn't know Olga. The following conversation could ensue:

Таня:  Привет, Вер! Познакомьтесь, пожалуйста. Это моя подруга Ольга.
Вера:  Вера.
Ольга:  Ольга.
Вера:  Очень приятно.
Ольга:  Очень приятно.

In this context Tanya uses the вы form because she is thinking about both Vera and Olga, but if she is only thinking about Vera, she might use the ты form:

Таня:  Привет, Вер! Познакомься, пожалуйста. Это моя подруга Ольга.
Вера:  Вера.
Ольга:  Ольга.
Вера:  Очень приятно.
Ольга:  Очень приятно.

Both approaches are grammatical, but in the познакомьтесь version Tanya is addressing both of her friends, and in the познакомься version she is addressing only Vera. Notice also that each of the people being introduced simply states her name, nothing more is required. Of course, more complex sentences are also possible:

Таня:  Привет, Вер! Познакомься, пожалуйста. Это моя подруга Ольга.
Вера:  Меня зовут Вера. Очень приятно.
Ольга:  А меня зовут Ольга. Очень приятно с вами познакомиться.

And of course the person doing the introduction can also give more information.

Таня: Привет, Вер! Познакомьтесь, пожалуйста. Это моя подруга Ольга. Она — директор центра для лечения алкоголизма. Оль, это Вера, она менеджер винно-водочного завода. Tanya: Hi, Vera! Let me introduce you. This is my friend Olga. She is the director of an alcohol rehabilitation center. Olga, this is Vera. She is the manager of a distillery.
Вера: Очень приятно. Pleased to meet you.
Ольга: Очень приятно. Nice to meet you.

In English we would never say “Acquaint yourelves!”, so a professional translation will use the standard phrases of English that include the word ‘introduce’:

Познакомьтесь, это Боря. I'd like you to meet Boris. or
Let me introduce you to Boris. or
I'd like to introduce you to Boris.

Russian does have the verbs представлять/представить “to introduce” and представляться/представиться “to introduce oneself,” but they are not used in most day-to-day introductions. Someone who has had a very formal upbringing might use them. You will hear them in formal meetings and official introductions during public events. For most of your interactions in Russia, though, познакомься and познакомьтесь will serve you well.

We mentioned that these words are imperative forms of the perfective verb познакомиться. We will explore the related words знакомиться, знакомить and познакомить over the next week or two.

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