Recently I came across some really pretty pictures of sea waves that inspired me. In those pictures I could see the white foam tongues slowly go up and down the shore. I could almost feel a light breeze go through my hair. In Russian that white foam is called «пена» and just like in English this word has multiple meanings.
For example, “shaving foam” is «пена для бритья» and “bath foam” is «пена для ванн».
После использования пены для бритья «Жилет», моя кожа очень приятная на ощупь. | After using Gillette shaving foam, my skin is very nice to touch. |
После долгого дня я люблю расслабиться в ванне с пеной для ванн с запахом лаванды. | After a long day I love to relax in a bathtub with lavender bath foam in it. |
Interestingly enough, the verb «пениться» in Russian slang is formed from the same root but means to get "angry”, “annoyed” or "worried".
Что он пенится? Наш рейс только через три часа. И так слишком рано приедем! | What is he so annoyed about? Our flight is not for another three hours. We are going to be too early anyway! |
Не пенься ты, успокойся! Всё будет нормально! | Don't you worry, come down! Everything will be fine! |
However, when we talk about foam in cappuccino, or any other hot drink we call it «пенка», “little foam”. Speaking of which, I think the most disgusting thing you can try is молоко с пенкой, “milk with foam”. That’s that little skin that forms on milk when you boil it. It’s so gross, I’m shuddering even now as I type. I remember when I was at kindergarten, they would make us drink it… one of the most horrifying experiences of my childhood! Luckily, my mom soon came to my rescue and protected me from the evil пенка, “foam”! Thanks, Mommy!
Thank you for your comment. I actually have never heard anyone use it as “going rabid", although I can see how it would make sense. This used to be a hip slang word when I was growing up, and I wouldn’t be surprised if is used less today (I still do sometimes!). Either way, I am sure that everyone would understand what you are saying.
I didn’t know the verb «пениться». Sounds like it’s the equivalent of English “foaming/frothing at the mouth,” i.e., getting really worked up and angry. Does the Russian verb carry connotations of going rabid? Thanks for the post!
Откуда это: “[i]Что ты пенишься? Не пенься[/i]? Это, конечно, будет понято как “что ты кипятишься?; Чего надрываешься? ” и пр.[i], если в подобающем контексте, но рекомендовать это как привычное разговорное выражение, особенно иностранцам, изучающим русский, я бы не рискнула. Без контекста это просто окказионализм семейный, не больше. В массе люди так НЕ говорят.
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