The Russian word картина has more than one meaning and consequently can get a bit confusing in certain situations. The most popular definition of the word is the noun painting. And the painting has to be a true piece of art of considerable size or reasonable value to be called a картина, otherwise it’s a картинка (something I and kindergarteners would draw).
Kартина can sometimes stand for image, picture or scenery— depending on the subject matter of the conversation. For example you can use the scene/scenery translation to describe nature or anything else that you see live; like some swimmer being attacked by a a Great White, and etc… Also, just like a lot of English-speaking filmmakers refer to their films as “pictures," many Russian directors describe them as картины.
A картина can be нарисована (drawn), написана (written/painted), снята (filmed), описана (described) and создана (created).
Sg | Pl | |
Nom | картина | картины |
Acc | картину | |
Gen | картины | картин |
Pre | картинe | картинах |
Dat | картинам | |
Ins | картинoй | картинами |
Image courtesy of Wikipedia
Вот картина Ивана Шишкина «Утро в сосновом лесу». Here is Ivan Shishkin's painting "Morning in a Pine Forest." It is one of the most recognizable paintings in Russia, partly because it is depicted on the wrappers of the popular candy «Мишка Kосолапый» "Clumsy Bear."
У него в комнате висит одна знаменитая картина какого-то фламандского художника. | There is a famous painting of some Flemish painter hanging in his room. |
Джеймс Камерон снимает только по одной картине каждые десять лет, или даже реже. | James Cameron films only one picture every ten years, or even less often. |
Я вышел на балкон и передо мной открылась потрясающая картина, состоящая из гор и океанских волн. | I stepped out to the balcony and in front of me appeared great scenery composed of mountains and ocean waves. |
Винсент ван Гог написал большую часть своей знаменитой серии картин “Подсолнухи” между 1888 и 1889. | Vincent Van Gogh painted most of his paintings from the famous “Sunflowers” series between 1888 and 1889. |
1 comment
Privyet, Thanks for this post! What a coincidence that you mentioned the “kartina” Clumsy Mishka - I just wrote a post about Clumsy Mishka, the candy! :)
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