Отжимания от пола (отжиматься)

by Don  

I'm convinced that everyone who reads this blog is not only an intellectual, but also a person committed to personal fitness and the betterment of the planetary environment, personal moral wisdom, and social justice. So of course all my readers want to know the word for push-ups in Russian. In addition to a noun, the Russians use use the verb отжиматься, which literally means “to press away from.” Verbs can often be turned into nouns by subtracting the -ть and adding -ние. Thus “pressings away from the floor” (push-ups) can be turned into the neuter plural отжимания от пола. Here are examples:

Каждый день я пятьдесят раз отжимаюсь. Every day I do fifty push-ups
Каждый день я делаю 50 отжиманий. Every day I do fifty push-ups

Here's a nice description of how to perform a standard push-up:

Отжимания от пола Push-ups
Техника выполнения Technique
Ноги слегка расставлены, руки на ширине плеч. Не прогибайтесь в спине, корпус должен составлять одну диагональную прямую. Медленно опуститесь к полу. Если руки прижать к туловищу, нагрузка ляжет на трицепсы. Если локти расположить перпендикулярно к телу, также задействуются грудные мышцы. (source) Legs are placed slightly apart. Hands are at shoulder-width. Don't flex the back. The body should make a single diagonal line. Slowly lower towards the floor. If you press the arms against the trunk, the load falls on the triceps. If you set the elbows perpendicular to the body, chest muscles will also be activated.

Total fitness freaks might like this advice:

Советую делать отжимание в стойке на руках, можно возле стенки. Нужно, чтобы голова коснулась пола, чудесное упражнения для многих мышц, как грудь, спина, трицепс! (source) I suggest doing push-ups from hand-stand. You can do it next to a wall. The head should touch the floor. It's an excellent exercise for many muscles and the chest, back, and triceps.

Here's a work-out with one-armed push-ups:

Я отжимаюсь через день по утрам 30 минут, 4 подхода по 30 раз на кулаках, ноги на стуле, 5,6 подходов на одной руке по 10 раз. После тренировки очень потею, отдышка хорошая.
(adapted from this source)
Every other day for 30 minutes I do 4 sets of 30 on my fists with my feet on a chair, and then five or six sets of ten on one arm. After the work-out I sweat likе crazy, and my breath is normal.

Just like Americans, young Russian men have to do a lot of push-ups in the army where they will hear:

Двадцать отжиманий! Быстро! Twenty push-ups! Quickly!

One push-up phrase that has become very popular since the nineties is taken from the lips of the General Lebedev puppet on the popular Russian political puppet show «Куклы». Lebedev is quoted often as saying:

Упал-oтжался! Down for push-ups!

Notice the interesting use of the past tense here as a type of command form. That is the strongest form of command possible in Russian; it essentially indicates a complete lack of compassion or respect for the addressee. Don't ever use it in Russia unless you yourself join the Russian army and are hazing recruits to the point of suicide.

Pictures from fatalenergy.com.ru


Comment from: Jonathan De Muscle [Visitor]

I am just starting out to learn Russian Word. I have to say it is not easy to learn. Especially pronouncing them correctly. :)

01/21/11 @ 09:05
Comment from: Dmitry [Visitor]

Хороший пример для вас: “Не оттопыривай задницу во время отжиманий” :)

11/28/09 @ 08:24

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