
by Don  

The verb “to look for” is искать. The verb doesn't have a proper perfective. If you want to say "to succesfully search out/to find” then you want находить/найти or отыскивать/отыскать.

to look for
to search for
Infinitive искать
Past искал
Present ищу
Future буду искать
будешь искать
будет искать
будем искать
будете искать
будут искать
Imperative ищи(те)

The thing you look for appears in the accusative case:

Что ты ищешь? What are you looking for?
Я долго искал свои ключи, но так и не нашёл. I looked for my keys for a long time, but just didn't find them.
Будем искать выход из кризиса…
(adapted from this source)
We will look for a way out of this crisis…
Почему русские девушки ищут партнера для брака за рубежом? (source) Why do Russian women look for a marriage partner outside of the country?

Occasionally you will encounter sentences where the thing that is being looked for appears in the genitive case. That is okay if the thing is abstract like justice or beauty, but don't use that construction for a concrete object like a pen or a banana:

Я не ищу популярности, я ищу справедливости. (source) I'm not looking for popularity. I'm looking for justice.
Как бы я ни была уверена в себе, постоянно ищу чьей-то похвалы. (adapted from this source) However self-confident I may be, I am constantly looking for someone's praise.

1 comment

Comment from: Paul Baxter [Visitor]

“The verb doesn’t have a proper perfective.”

Interesting. I suppose by it’s nature it is an uncompleted process. I wonder how many other verbs are like that.

08/17/09 @ 04:56

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