
by Don  

Have you ever wondered where the word muscle comes from? It's from Latin. In Latin mūs means mouse. The suffix -culus is a diminutive suffix. Thus mūsculus means “little mouse,” which kind of makes sense since if you look at a muscle moving on your body, it kind of looks like some critter is scurrying under your skin. In Russian the root мыш- means mouse. The suffix -ца is a diminutive suffix. One of the words for muscle in Russian is мышца. When you take the roots and suffixes of a word in one language, and you substitute the roots and suffixes of another language to make a new word in that language, we call that word a calque. Мышца is a Russian calque from a Latin word. Interestingly enough, something similar happens in Polish. The Polish root for mouse is myš-, and -ca is a diminutive suffix. The Polish word myšca is also a calque from Latin and means muscle. Here are some sample sentences:

Дельтовидная мышца — поверхностная мышца плеча. (adapted from source) The deltoid muscle is a superfical muscle of the shoulder.
Полузащитник "Ростова" Хон Ён Чо надорвал икроножную мышцу. (source) Rostov midfielder Hong Yong-Jo tore his calf muscle.
Желание накачать мышцы у мужчин, недовольных своей физической формой, возникает чаще, чем это можно себе представить. (source) Men who are dissatisfied with the physical form have the desire to pump up their muscles pop up more often than you can imagine.
Переварачиваю различные предметы мышцами живота. (dopey video) I flip various objects over with the muscles of my belly.

deder Muskel
frmuscle (masc)

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