Мышь (часть первая)
The Russian word for mouse is мышь. It is a third declension feminine noun that declines like this:
Sg | Pl | |
Nom | мышь | мыши |
Acc | мышей | |
Gen | мыши | |
Pre | мышах | |
Dat | мышам | |
Ins | мышью | мышами |
Sample sentences:
Как поймать мышь? | How do you catch a mouse? |
Я поймала мышь с помощью липучего домика для тараканов, в серединку положила кусочек сыра , поставила на ночь у того места, откуда она может выйти — и утром она уже там была — прилипла! (Adapted from this source) |
I caught a mouse using a sticky cockroach trap. I put a little piece of cheese in the middle, set it overnight by the place where the mouse might come out, and in the more there it was: it got stuck! |
Лично я очень люблю мышей. | Personally, I really love mice. |
Жареная мышь — верное средство от ночного недержания мочи. (source) | A fried mouse is a sure cure for nighttime bed-wetting.¹ |
¹ Apparently this superstition was held in English speaking countries as well:
A flayne Mouse rosted, or made in powder, & drunk at one tyme, doeth perfectly helpe such as can not holde or keepe their water: especially, if it be used three dayes in this order. This is verie true and often proued.
From Lupton's “Thousand notable things,” quoted in A Dictionary of Superstitions.
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