К (motion)
The Russians also use the preposition к to mean “to” in the sense of “to someone's home/place.” К becomes ко before certain words, most particularly in the phrase «ко мне».
— Где ты был? — Я ходил к Тане. |
“Where were you?” “I went to Tanya's place.” |
Я быстренько зайду к Ивановым за сумкой. | I'm going to take a quick run over to the Ivanovs' to get my purse. |
Вечерами по вторникам Зоя и Боря ходили ко мне заниматься. | On Tuesday evenings Zoya and Borya would come to my place to study. |
Саш, отнеси эти грибы к бабушке. | Sasha, take these mushrooms to Grandmother's place. |
Маш, пойди к дядя Коле и попроси у него отвёртку. | Masha, go to Uncle Kolya's and ask him for a screwdriver. |
Иди к чёрту! | Go to the devil! |
That last sentence, of course, is rude. It has about the same emotional punch as “Go to hell” does in English.
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