На (location)
Although the most common word for “at” in Russian is «в» followed by the prepositional case, there is a set of very common nouns that use «на» followed by the prepositional case. Among the most common phrases are:
Мама на работе? | Is Mom at work? |
Вчера мы были на концерте Земфиры. | Last night we were at a Zemfira concert |
На почте покупаем марки и принимаем факсы. | We buy stamps and receive faxes at the post office. |
Сегодня на собрании было очень скучно. | It was really boring at the meeting today. |
Learning the на words is not all that difficult: by my count there are fewer than a hundred. You can take a look at my most recent list here.
На can also be translated as “on”:
За ночь у меня на лице появился огромный прыщик. | Overnight an enormous pimple appeared on my face. |
На верхнем этаже того здания находится частный клуб, члены которого тайно управляют всей Америкой. | On the top floor of that building there is a private club, whose members secretly control all of America. |
На днях на горе Леммон я увидел двух пум. | A few days ago I saw two pumas on Mount Lemmon. |
Интересно, есть ли на Марсе жизнь? | I wonder if there is life on Mars? |
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