
by Don  

Грудь is a feminine noun that means bosom in the sense of chest or breast(s). It's mostly used in the singular, even when talking about women's breasts. Although sometimes you'll hear people stress the word a bit differently in the singular, the most common stress pattern for the noun is:


Sample sentences:

Грудь у меня что-то болит. Страшно. А вдруг это инфаркт? My chest kind of hurts. Scary. What if it's a heart attack?
Не заметить её было трудно: при росте в 152 см. Долли обладала грудью феноменальных размеров и носила облегающие костюмы. (source) It was hard not to notice her: at a height of 5' 0" Dolly [Parton] had breasts of phenomenal dimensions and she wore skin-tight costumes.

Грудь is also used as a symbol of the center of one's feelings and desires just as heart is used in English:

Милый мой, ты у меня в груди. (Есенин) My beloved, you are [ever] in my heart.
Любовь в груди мне стала мукой. The love in my heart has become torment.

1 comment

Comment from: it-ogo [Visitor]

>Ins грудью
“у” is stressed, not “ю". :)

Don responds: Спасибо! Опечатка поправлена.

05/21/09 @ 07:34

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