Силиконовая грудь

by Don  

The phrase силиконовая грудь means silicon breast [implant]. You are not likely to need one of these in Russia, but I had to blog about it because I came across this headline and story the other day:
Силиконовая грудь лопается при ДТП.¹ Silicon breast bursts during auto accident.
Как отметили в полиции, грудь Елены сработала во время аварии подобно подушке безопасности. As the police department noted, Elena's breasts worked like an airbag during the accident.
В отличие от водителя другой машины, Елена Маринова не получила серьезных травм. In contrast to the driver of the other car, Elena Marinova did not receive serious injuries.
Однако, во время аварии силиконовые имплантанты в ее груди не выдержали нагрузки и лопнули. (source | mirror) During the accident, however, the silicon implants in her breasts could not withstand the load, and they burst.

Another headline reveals that silicon breast implants may also protect you from terrorism:

Силиконовая грудь спасла израильтянку от ракеты "Хезболла". (source | mirror) A silicon breast implant has saved an Israeli woman from a Hezbollah rocket.
Имплантант, вне всякого сомнения, остановил осколок и не дал ему продвинуться вглубь тела девушки. There is no doubt that the implant stopped the shrapnel and prevented it from proceeding more deeply into the woman's body.

Perhaps if our previous President George W. Bush had known this, he could have set up a breast implant division of the Depart­ment of Homeland Security. Really, ladies, get your implants now: it's just another way you can participate in making America safe.

The one downside, I suppose, is that the implant will prevent you from going into outer space:

Эксперты не исключают, что искусственный бюст может просто взорваться в полёте из-за перепадов давления. Experts do not discount the possibility that an articifical bust might explode in flight due to falling pressure.
Это обстоятельство уже стало предметом для шуток. This situation has already become the subject of jokes.
Как заявил один из специалистов, полёты в космос могут стать проверкой на натуральность груди. (source | mirror) As one of the specialists declared, space flights could become a way to prove that one's bust is natural.

¹ ДТП = дорожно-транспортное происшествие traffic accident (lit. road-transportation incident)

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