
by Don  

Today let's think about the verb pair смотреть/посмотреть, which is conjugated like this:

to watch
Imperfective Perfective
Infinitive смотреть посмотреть
Past смотрел



No such thing as perfective present in Russian.
Future буду смотреть
будешь смотреть
будет смотреть
будем смотреть
будете смотреть
будут смотреть
Imperative смотри(те) посмотри(те)

The first meaning of this verb is “to watch.” The thing watched goes in the accusative case:

— Вы любите смотреть телевизор?
— Нет, телевизор смотрят только дебилы.
“Do you like to watch TV?”
“No, only retards watch TV.”
Завтра мы будем смотреть передачу «Доктор Кто». Этот телесериал совсем заурядный, а я почему-то люблю. Tomorrow we are going to watch the TV show “Doctor Who.” The series is completely mediocre, but for some reason I like it.
Мы пару часов посмотрели новости и потом легли спать. We watched the news for a couple hours and then went to bed.

When you watch someone do something, like watching someone enter a room, the person and the activity are expressed in a completely separate clause introduced by как:

Я смотрел, как она вошла в комнату. Она была похожа на богиню, и я не мог от неё оторвать взгляд. I watched her enter the room. She looked like a goddess, and I couldn't take my eyes off her.
Мой начальник всегда смотрит, как я работаю, будто я в любую минуту украду компьютер или кофейник, но я ведь уже давно такого не делал! My boss watches me work as if at any moment I'm going to steal a computer or a coffee pot, but I haven't done anything like that for a long time!

The verb is also used to mean “to look at,” in which case it is used with the preposition на followed by the accusative case:

Мой зять так нежно смотрел на новорождённую дочку, что я чуть не заплакала. My son-in-law looked at his newborn daughter so tenderly that I nearly started to cry.
Не смотри прямо на солнце, а то ослепнешь. Don't look straight at the sun, otherwise you'll go blind.

When you look in a mirror or into/out of a window or into someone's eyes, you use the preposition в followed by the accusative case:

Теперь, когда я смотрю в зеркало, я и не узнаю самого себя. Nowadays when I look in the mirror, I don't even recognize myself.
Боря смотрел Маше в глаза, но видел только равнодушие и скуку. Boris looked in Mary's eyes, but he saw only indifference and boredom.
Зина посмотрела в окно и на улице увидела машину. Zina looked out the window and saw a car.
Игнатий посмотрел в окно и увидел, что загорелся диван. Ignatius looked in the window and saw that the couch had caught fire.

The verb can also be used to mean “to keep an eye on,” in which case it is used with the preposition за followed by the instrumental case:

Смотри за сестрой. Не хочу, чтобы она опять влезла на книжный шкаф. Keep an eye on your sister. I don't want her to climb on top of the bookshelf again.
Если у тебя есть Ауди, смотри за уровнем масла, даже если нет подтёков!!!! If you have an Audi, keep an eye on your oil level even if there aren't any leaks!!!!
Здесь надо смотреть за бумажником, карманников много. You have to keep an eye on your wallet here. There's a lot of pickpockets.
Медсёстры внимательно смотрели за свечами, так как они стали дефицитными. The nurses kept a sharp eye on the candles since they there was a shortage of them.

That last sentence is amusingly amibiguous since the word свеча means either candle or suppository, resulting in a viable translation of “The nurses kept a sharp eye on the suppositories since there was a shortage of them.”


Your sentence with “Ignaty looked out the window and saw that the couch caught fire”

Don responds: I didn’t quite follow your comment. Please clarify?

02/16/09 @ 22:48
Comment from: Tatyana [Visitor]

Your sentence with “Ignaty looked out the window and saw that the couch caught fire” is not translated into Russian correctly. It should be “загорелся” or “горел".
Just a correction.

Don responds: thanks for catching the typo! It has been corrected.

02/09/09 @ 14:28

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