Пока (наречие)
The word пока can also be used as an adverb that means “in the meantime, for the moment, for now.”
— Значит, ты вёл себя совсем по-идиотски, правда? — Пока не буду говорить об этом, ладно? |
“So, you acted like a complete idiot, right?” “I'm not going to talk about that for now, okay?” |
Превью музыки на майспейсе впечатлило, но скачивать пока не буду, лучше закажу диск и подожду дней эдак 10!!!! | The preview of the music on My Space made an impression, but in the meantime I'm not going to download it. I'd rather order the disk and wait the roughly ten days!!!! |
Дима Билан сказал: «Ребёнка хочу, а жениться пока не буду.» (source | mirror) | Dima Bilan said, “I want a child, but I'm not going to get married for the moment.” |
1 comment
We use “превью", not “превье". For example, we have “ревю” for review, “ньюз” for news etc.
Don responds: Agreed. The original source where I found the sentence had превье instead of превью, so I had kept the original spelling. In retrospect that wasn’t a good judgment call, so I’ll fix it up to the correct spelling.
11/30/09 @ 03:33
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