Archives for: "October 2008"


by Don  

The Russian word for tomato is помидор, as in «На балконе я посадил помидоры» “I planted tomatoes on the balcony.” Russians make great use of their apartment living space, so I've seen all sorts of plants being raised on balconies in the summer time in… more »


by Olga  

The матрёшка is a traditional Russian doll that has been in the Russian culture for many centuries. These dolls are an important part of the Russian culture and I believe that most Russian families own at least one Russian doll. It has become so popular… more »


by Olga  

The Russian word for motorcycle is мотоцикл. Motorcycles are commonly used by many people in Russia. When I was 6 years old, my grandfather bought his first motorcycle. He came home that day very jolly and invited everyone to look at it. He said… more »


by Olga  

The Russian word for shot is укол. Medical shots are given all over the world to prevent disease and when I was a little child, my parents took me to the doctor to get my immunization shots. I dreaded the days when my parents took me to the doctor врач.… more »


by Olga  

The Russian word for bridge is мост. In Russia, my grandmother owned a chalet дача which was surrounded by a beautiful garden. This chalet was a few miles away from our home and we often traveled by bike велосипед to the chalet. On our way to the… more »

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