Random bits of Bishkek life

by Don  

Not far from our school is a small mall called the Vefa center. When I went to the washroom yesterday, I noticed an unexpected snaky thing in the WC. What is it?

Yup, a hose. Wouldn't have thought of putting that in a men's bathroom.

My bathroom mirror is resting on the floor, and there is no way to attach it to the wall, so it is useful for contemplating one's toenails, but not for shaving, which is something I'm more concerned with. Plus there is no sink in the bathroom. There is a mirror in the hallway, but again no sink. There is a sink in the kitchen, but no mirror. Hm how should I deal with this? Ah, yes, purchase a hand held mirror with some kind of loop to hang on the cabinet above the sink as I shave. Spiffy. By accident I bought one that matches the cupboards. I'll be styling now!

My apartment has no air conditioner, and we can expect the upper 90s and lower 100s over the summer, which means I want ice. Are there ice cube trays in the freezer? Of course not. When I stopped by the grocery store this morning, I spotted the following oddity:

These are sort of like cling-wrap ice bags. When you unroll them, they look like this:

Then you fill them with water from the top through a little funnel-like channel, seal the top and put them in the freezer. Can this really work?

Sure enough, here is the result, and the ice cubes are completely functional. Whodathunkit? Still, the ice cubes are awfully small. I'll have to see if I can find real ice cube trays somewhere.

1 comment

Comment from: Paul Bailley [Visitor]  

OMG no AC. I’d die. Is it at least a dry heat? Can you sleep in that?

06/22/15 @ 19:50

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