Overall impressions of Budapest

by Don  

I have never liked a place as much as I like Budapest. There is a grandeur, graciousness and elegance to the place that simply delights me. The food was decent. The public transport was easy to use. The depth of history, the nice apartment, the culinary tour, the good company of my acquaintance Robert on the first day, the company of my brother on days three and four... It leaves me with the desire to return next year.

One's traveling impressions, of course, are always a bit stilted. When you travel, you are willing to spend quite a bit more money than you normally are. You don't have work obligations oppressing you in the same way. You stay in places you wouldn't be able to affor for months at a time. But of all the places I have visited during my trips en route to summer duties, Budapest is definitely my favorite.

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