Day 8: language coaches, events

by Don  

Wednesdays here do not have regular classes. Students meet with their language coaches (two hours, either one-on-one or one-on-two, as they do two other days a week), and we have some non-academic events, which today included an additional cooking class (locally called lagman, but you can see details here) and a handicrafts class. Y'know, I'm a total language geek and hate these cooking/handicraft things. But on the whole the students like the cooking events. The handicraft events... not so much. Myself, I'd prefer a class where we started to learn the obscene Russian lexicon, but most likely that wouldn't fly with the local school nor my administration back home. A shame, that. I've studied 13+ languages now, depending on how you count study, and I have to say that Russian is the richest in terms of profanity. Sure, the Poles share the Slavic roots and add in the names of the saints, which is of itself quite amusing, but I still think Russian takes the cake.

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