Day 38: classes, copies, connections

by Don  

Today a subset of our students had to take the OPI-c (oral proficiency interview, computer-mediated). We had a few tech glitches, but with the exception of two tests, I think all went off well. As for those two... we'll have to see what the results say.

In the afternoon I needed to make some copies, so I stopped by a Photography Studio that also had a photocopier. A family was ahead of me, spouses and three kids, one of whom appeared to have chicken pox. No problem, that. I watched the photoshop guy go over each pockmark and clean it up for the portrait. I was much amused.

Alas, the line was too long for photocopies today. Remind me next year to have copies included as part of the contract. This year I pay for them all myself because I suspect our KG partner has cut margins so close that even asking them to make a copy would reduce their profits.

I'm also asking them to store a couple things for me our my replacement. I bought an ironing board and fan here. No reason for next year's RD to buy the same thing. Nor the router that gives me internet access.

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