Day 22: classes, water pressure

by Don  

Classes as usual. No news is good news.

One of the new students came to tell me that the toilet didn't work in her home, but they have an outhouse she can use. That's not good. We require running water and working toilets and toilet paper. I asked our main contact to look into it.

It turns out the toilet works fine in morning and evening, but not midday. In the summer it gets so hot here that at midday water consumption goes rapidly up, and the water pressure in many homes and apartment buildings collapses. So things work fine in the morning. They work fine in the evening. But at midday sometimes they don't.

That's actually a workable situation. At midday the students are at the school or downtown; on the weekends they are on excursions or with language tutors. So on this occasion we don't have to fix anything.

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