Day 15: smooth sailing, bedbug bites

by Don  

Classes as usual. Nothing special to report.

Student Marissa keeps having additional bug bites appear. She did some web research: the bugs resemble bedbug bites. According to her research the bites themselves may not be obvious for days after the actual bite occurs, depending on how quickly the individual's body reacts. The one's that appeared first are healing. She suspects that she may have got them in the bed during last weekend's double-overnight excusion. I inquired whether she remember which bed slept in. She did: room 4, first bed on the right (not the bed near the window). The second part of our group heads on that excursion this afternoon. I asked our local contact to have those beds inspected for the vermin; in the meantime we won't have anyone sleep in that room this weekend

BTW, the Russian word for bedbug is клоп (gen. sg. клопа́.)

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