Day 14: classes as usual, illness

by Don  

Classes as usual today. I sat in on the fourth year class. I love those. I always learn something new.

After the weekend we had six kids ill. Tuesday another one became ill, which makes seven. Lewis is mostly recovered, but I've asked him to abstain from the hike this weekend just to make sure he is completely better; he'll be able to make up the hike when the second group comes. Marissa got bug-bit over the weekend, much more than anyone else. The bites are really sticking around and itching, which she is self-treating with a diphenhydramine (Benadryl) cream, which makes sense. I am concerned, though, that only she got bit like that, and I'm concerned that the bites are still there. Of course, some people are just tastier than others as far as bugs are concerned. When we were growing up, if there was a mosquito in the house, it went straight for my sister. Let's hope she never ends up around vampires.

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